Creamy, frothy coffee - without a machine

by - November 08, 2018

I'm not a huge coffee lover - usually I'm fine with a quick cup of instant Nescafe with a splash of milk. Buuuuut, once every so often, I get the urge for a foamy, frothy, creamy treat - not easy when you don't have any ground coffee or a fancy milk steamer or an espresso machine, right? Wrong! This method is quick and simple, and the end result is really yummy. It's also a great way to drink "fancy" coffee for a fraction of the price.

You will need:

2 tsp instant coffee granules (I use Nescafe Gold)
1-2 tsp sugar, to taste
Small cup of hot water
1 cup hot milk (or a mix of milk and water, I like milk to water at a 1:1 ratio)
Fork or whisk


1. Put your coffee granules and sugar into a bowl, and add 1tsp hot water.

2. Use a whisk or a fork to mix together. At first, it will be like rocky mud, but soon the coffee will dissolve and become smooth. Add a few drops of hot water at a time, and keep stirring! All the granules will dissolve, and you'll get a fluffy and creamy mixture with the texture of a fluffy custard or cream whipped to soft peaks. It will be light in colour, and really glossy.

3. Add the mixture to a mug - about 2 tsp for a small mug, and 3-4 tsp for a big mug. You can always stir in a little more if it's not strong enough, but you can't take it away!

4. Gently pour over the hot milk, and give the coffee a very gentle stir. Drink immediately!

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